# netrunner - [WEB] Challenge Santhacklaus netrunner is a Web challenge proposed in three parts during the **Santhacklaus CTF**. This online event, _santhacklaus.xyz_, was a four students project from IMT Lille Douai (Telecom Lille). This Capture The Flag in jeopardy style lasted one week (14 to 21 December 2018) and gathered more than 400 participants. ## Getting Started ### Prerequisites To use this project, you need to install [Docker](https://docs.docker.com/install/) and [Docker-Compose](https://docs.docker.com/compose/install/). ### Configuration You probably need to change the listening port in `docker-compose.yml` file to avoid conflict with other softwares, like another Web server. ``` ... ports: - ":80" ... ``` ### Running Move into the root repository, then, build and start all the containers with this following command: ```bash docker-compose up -d ``` Now, you can access to the first part of this challenge at localhost: and others parts at localhost:2077. That's all! 😉 ## Online version You can find a online version of this project on [CTF;space](https://challenges.deldel.fr) platform. ## During and after the CTF ### Part 1 #### Statement > V, I got a mission for you! > We discoved a Netrunner who hack neural implants to create false memories. We spotted the target's interface on the Net at this address: http://IP > Find out who he is and a way to stop him. ### Part 2 #### Statement > Nice V! I owe you one! > But before we go to visit him, I would like to have a means of pressure. Here is his maintenance access: IP:PORT > See what you can do and let me know. #### Hint > He seems to have a “ghost” in the shell ### Part 3 #### Statement > You doing great! > But this access is not enough. See if you can get privileged access, the same used by Zetatech technician for maintenance. > It will allow us to unplug it in case of a glitch. ### Write-ups * [Write-up](https://thibaudrobin.github.io/writeups/santhacklaus/netrunner/) written by Thibaud Robin _alias_ Th1b4ud * Another [write-up](https://maki.bzh/walkthrough/santhacklaus2018/#netrunner-1-3) by Maki * [Write-up](https://0xukn.fr/posts/writeupsanthacklaus2019netrunner/) written by 0xUKN Thank you for taking the time to write your solution! :) You can contact me if you want to add your write-up in the list. ## Author * **Aymeric Sorek** - _alias_ [deldel](https://www.deldel.fr) ## License This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License - see the [LICENSE](LICENSE) file for details