Xtracted - [CRYPTO] Challenge Santhacklaus
netrunner is a beginner crypto challenge proposed in three parts during the Santhacklaus CTF. This online event, santhacklaus.xyz, was a four students project from IMT Lille Douai (Telecom Lille). This Capture The Flag in jeopardy style lasted one week (14 to 21 December 2018) and gathered more than 400 participants.
Getting Started
No prerequisite needed
You just have to download encoded.wtf to start the challenge.
Online version
You can find a online version of this project on CTF;space platform.
During and after the CTF
A little thug played with us. He extracted information from our server and just send us what he got. But our engineers were unable to read it. Help us please! 😭
Thank you for taking the time to write your solution! :)
You can contact me if you want to add your write-up in the list.
- Aymeric Sorek - alias deldel
This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License - see the LICENSE file for details